X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00800000 X-Mozilla-Keys: Message-ID: <54D00942.5040601@sbcglobal.net> Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2015 15:33:22 -0800 From: Richard Childers User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; FreeBSD i386; rv:10.0.3) Gecko/20120327 Thunderbird/10.0.3 MIME-Version: 1.0 To: jessica.ppmrentals@gmail.com Subject: Response to your verbal request, relayed from owners, for settlement Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jessica, As you can imagine, it's difficult to provide an answer to a question like, 'What would it take to get us to move out', in just a few hours of thought. So I'm not sure I can give you a definite answer by sundown, today. The problem is one that took the better part of a year to develop. It requires some thought, and some research. Half a year ago it would have been much simpler. But I have invested quite a bit more time and energy into the situation now. The mold issues alone touch upon property damage; personal injury; negligence; breach of contract; breach of implied warranty of habitability; nuisance; negligent infliction of emotional distress; and constructive eviction. We haven't discussed the bedbugs, or the "rape" door, or the other security issues, or the missing screens. I think it's more than five figures. I understand the owners and the lawyers want this solved before the guy from Florida gets back and starts doing his mold tests, but I just don't see it happening that fast. I'll continue thinking about this, though. Regards, ~richard