X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00800000 X-Mozilla-Keys: Message-ID: <5489C79B.4090509@sbcglobal.net> Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 08:34:35 -0800 From: Richard Childers User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; FreeBSD i386; rv:10.0.3) Gecko/20120327 Thunderbird/10.0.3 MIME-Version: 1.0 To: jessica.ppmrentals@gmail.com Subject: Bobbie turning stairwell light off at night Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jessica, I noticed last night that Bobbie is somehow turning the light off, outside Building 7, when he is expecting visitors. Specifically, there is a light at the top of the stairs which are common to both upstairs apartments - and I noticed, last night, that the stairwell was suddenly dark. As far as I know there is no switch inside any of the apartments to allow control of common resources. Unless it was surreptitiously added, that is. There are small children in the apartment next door to Bobbie, whom are placed at risk by his desire for stealth and darkness. If one of them falls down the stairs in the dark and cracks their head open, questions will be asked. I recommend the addition of a second light, downstairs, as well as inspection of the upstairs stairwell lighting's wiring. Regards, ~richard