X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00800000 X-Mozilla-Keys: Message-ID: <5413E3F4.2020401@sbcglobal.net> Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 23:28:04 -0700 From: Richard Childers User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; FreeBSD i386; rv:10.0.3) Gecko/20120327 Thunderbird/10.0.3 MIME-Version: 1.0 To: ggoade@ci.fortuna.ca.us, ray.smith@co.humboldt.ca.us Subject: Regarding 137 12th Street, Apt 4C - UPSTAIRS Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Ray, Gary ... I'm not sure exactly when it was in the chronology of the bedbugs at 137 12th Street, but somewhere in there, the guy who lived in the apartment above us, went bat-shit crazy. He started acting very irrationally, and ended up brandishing a firearm, smashing out his windows - glass everywhere - and resulting in a nine-unit armed response from Fortuna PD, with backup from CHP. He was taken into custody without anyone being hurt and is currently in custody. It's my analysis that he was driven insane by bedbugs and cockroaches in his apartment - that would be 4C, directly above us. I think the biting made it impossible for him to sleep ... fatigue poisons built up ... and he went crazy. (He had complained about 'cockroaches' for several weeks before he went crazy. At that time, we had not seen anything downstairs - and he never showed me the 'cockroaches'. I think they were bedbugs - small bedbugs sort of look like tiny cockroaches. ... I communicated this concern, in writing, to the Humboldt County public defender. They never replied to my email. I don't think anyone even read it. Yet another reason I'm having second thoughts about Humboldt County, as a place to raise my kids.) During the last few days of my former upstairs neighbor's madness, he started attacking the walls of his apartment and tearing off the sheetrock, so that he could spray poison behind the walls. Since then, his apartment has been empty. I've seen it. The walls were covered with mildew. All of them. Is there any chance you could summon the authority to inspect that apartment, above us? You would be able to see behind the sheetrock and you would be able to see the framing of the building, as well as any signs of decaying sheetrock, mold, mildew, rotting wood, paper lice, cockroaches, bedbugs, and the rest of it - and then there would be nothing more to wonder. Regards, ~richard