X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00800000 X-Mozilla-Keys: Message-ID: <5412F251.50309@sbcglobal.net> Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 06:17:05 -0700 From: Richard Childers User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; FreeBSD i386; rv:10.0.3) Gecko/20120327 Thunderbird/10.0.3 MIME-Version: 1.0 To: ray.smith@co.humboldt.ca.us CC: ggoade@ci.fortuna.ca.us Subject: 137 12th Street: Paper Lice Everywhere. Decaying Wood? Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Gentlemen, There are so many things wrong with 137 12th Street that every time I turn around I find something else I forgot. When I first moved into 137 12th Street someone who already lived here - Charles Wilson - told me that the place was infested with paper lice. And, indeed, I began to find little insects crawling across my pages. (Chuck and his wife have separated and Chuck is now in Chico, but his former wife still lives in Alton. They used to live in 5A. They complained about mold in the closets. I should have listened.) Even after I moved to 2011 Shamrock, we still had paper lice. I'd see one every once in a while crossing my screen. Now, paper lice are really cellulose eaters - they are attracted by decaying wood and the things that grow on it: "Psocids are small, scavenging insects with a relatively generalized body plan. They feed primarily on fungi, algae, lichen, and organic detritus." (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_lice) .. and so I take their presence as indication that significant amounts of decaying wood are present. Their presence has shaped my perception of 137 12th Street and so if I occasionally say something that does not seem to be supported by the observed facts, please forgive me for failing to provide a full explanation - but there is so much that is wrong. Regards, ~richard