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Timestamp: 29 September 2023 @ 2215 Pacific

Who is a Jew?

It's not a nation; it's a brand, IE, Jewish™

By Larry Romanoff, July 19, 2023

Who is a Jew? This question is neither as simple - nor as complicated - as the Jews present it. The original, official version was that if your mother was a Jew, then you are a Jew. Period. No apparent room for discussion here.

"The Code of Jewish Law clearly states that a child of a Jewish mother is Jewish, regardless of the father's lineage (or whatever else may show up in a DNA test), while the child of a non-Jewish mother is not Jewish. Matrilineal descent has been a fundamental principle of Torah since the Jewish people came into existence." [1]

However, the Jews themselves regularly fail to adhere to the rules. In a Wikipedia article on Frank Damrosch Jr., we read, "[He] was an American Episcopal priest, author, and writer, the son of noted composer Frank Damrosch, [who] served as a leader of the Anglo-Catholicism movement in the US [and who] also authored three books and penned articles for [Catholic] magazines. [2] [3] Yet Wikipedia (an entirely Jewish platform) lists this person as a Jew, clearly disregarding the change of religion.

In another article discussing Arthur Schlesinger, [4] [5] Wikipedia tells us, "His paternal grandfather was a Prussian Jew who converted to Protestantism and then married an Austrian Catholic. His mother . . . was of German and New England ancestry . . . His family practiced Unitarianism." But Wikipedia classifies Schlesinger as a Jew. In the matter of John Kerry, [6] former US Secretary of State, we are told, "His father was raised Catholic. John's paternal grandparents were Austro-Hungarian Jewish immigrants who converted to Catholicism, and his mother was Episcopalian. The children were raised in their father's Catholic faith, and John served as an altar boy." But John Kerry is claimed as Jewish.

In another example, this concerning the US astronaut Jessica Meir, the Jerusalem Post headlines an article with "Will Jewish astronaut Jessica Meir be NASA's first woman on the moon?" [7] Yet the same article tells us Jessica was "Born in Maine to a Swedish mother and an Israeli-Jewish father . . ." The article claims she identifies as Jewish and is therefore a Jew. Still with Jessica Meir, the Jewish Kveller website tells us, [8] "Jessica Meir is a 44-year-old astronaut from Caribou, Maine. Meir's mother is Swedish, and her father is Israeli of Iraqi Sephardi heritage. And yes, she's Jewish." (emphasis mine). In another case, on the same Kveller website celebrating "Jewish astronauts", we are told "Mark Polansky grew up in Paterson, New Jersey, the son of a Jewish father and a Hawaiian mother of Korean descent." And Polansky is also claimed as Jewish.

But let's try to illustrate the intentional duplicity pervading this entire matter. To further other aspects of their agenda, the Jews have confused and confounded this to the point where there may be no resolution.

One aspect of this confusion is the position that "being Jewish is just a religion". This is clearly nonsense for more reasons than I have space to list, but let's deal with one obvious and irrefutable contradiction: If being a Jew merely reflects membership in a religion, how is it that I - and millions of others - can look at a face and tell you instantly that person is a Jew? It would be a mighty powerful religion if it can alter the facial features of its adherents.

This is nonsense (a huge lie, actually) on another basis too: the "Jew as religion" theory implies that if a Jew abandons Judaism and adopts Christianity, that person is no longer a Jew. Well, he would be what, then? Nothing?

Many Jews further complicate this by claiming (as does Elon Musk, for e.g.) to be atheists, this refutation of all religion apparently negating the possibility of the person being a Jew. And that is also foolish. Refutation of religion is not the same as refutation of racial heritage. If Elon Musk - a Jew - See below reference [9] - abandons Judaism and professes atheism, then what is he? He can't claim to be American because that's not a race; it's a passport. And he cannot - as many Jews try to do - claim his race as "White"; that is obviously a skin color, not an ethnic group. Consider this in terms of other nationalities. If a Catholic Italian abandons Catholicism and adopts Islam, or claims to be an atheist, does he stop being Italian? Of course not. That's foolish. His religion is unrelated to his racial or ethnic roots, and irrelevant.

The salient point is that every individual must, by definition, belong to some race, to some ethnic group. It is not possible to be nothing. Yet International Jewry (the Khazar Talmudist Mafia again) are now claiming there is no such thing as race, a position that is worthy only of ridicule and deep suspicion as to their intent. And the intent of this nonsense claim appears to be solely to permit Jews to avoid identification as Jews. It serves no other purpose.

This issue has a prime cause in that, with Jews amassing increasing amounts of power and influence over Western societies, many have become increasingly reluctant to be identified as Jews. The Khazar Talmudists (Benjamin Freedman's "so-called Jews") [10] [11] in The City of London, saw this problem arising decades ago, when they launched a two-step solution. The first step was to heavily promote the idea that being a Jew is merely the practice of a religion. The second was to force the passage of laws throughout the US that made illegal any request to disclose a person's religion (as for employment, for e.g.). But this was unrelated to religion, as should be obvious, since the only significant result was to make it illegal to ask a person if he is a Jew. And, in real life, no employment application form for any company anywhere ever asked a person's religion; at least, I have never heard of such a thing, and I don't know anyone who has.

There is another complicating factor driving the "no such thing as race" theory, in that the Jews themselves are two races. [12] [13] There are Semitic Jews from the Middle East, and the Ashkenazi Jews originally from Khazaria who are genetically European and who have had absolutely no contact with, nor any claim to, The Holy Land. Most Jews today, more than 95% by Jewish estimates, are European Khazars, a distinct race who consider themselves Jews and who still use the old (sexually-perverted) Babylonian Talmud as their bible.

However, it very much serves their purpose to be considered by Gentiles as one race or, in their fantasy, no race, and thus we have the deliberate, planned, and organised duplicity attempting to deny this separation. We have no trouble in finding multiple "official" genetic "studies", each as dishonest as the last, attempting to prove either that Khazaria has never existed or that Jews have no common DNA, or that Judaism is all one religion which it patently is not. So, a Jew born in Germany is really a pure genetic German who just happens to adhere to the Judaic religion and, if that person instead adopts Christianity, he is no longer a Jew. But since there is no such thing as race, he cannot be a pure ethnic German and is therefore nothing. Yet German Jews identify as Jews, not as ethnic Germans. If that doesn't serve to complicate the picture irrevocably, I don't know what would.

Censorship of Jewish names

Given a series of contrived complications and what appears to be a general unwillingness among many Jews to reveal their ethnicity, it can be extremely difficult to identify those Jews active in our societies. In a recent article on Jewish assimilation, [14] Dr. Kevin MacDonald wrote the following: "But typically, in the absence of evidence of explicit Jewish activism . . . one must pore over detailed biographies that include, e.g., accounts of private conversations and letters. Freud, for example, left behind a great deal of evidence of his Jewish identity and his sense of Jewish interests. Others did not, so one is forced to piece together an account on relatively scant evidence." It is not always simple to identify Jewish ethnicity with absolute certainty, and many Jews prefer to not be so identified - one reason they change their names.

In an earlier article on doing historical research, [15] I wrote the following:

There is no question that it is more difficult to search the Internet today than was the case 15 or 20 years ago. Especially on the English-language Internet, information control is much more apparent and effective, and censorship is now fully in the open with little or no pretense or disguise. Many web pages or documents which would always appear on the first page of a search in the past, cannot now be accessed by normal means, and many sources have been deleted. Many links to historical documents that I saved 15 or 20 years ago, are still active, and the documents can still be accessed, but they will no longer appear on a search with any terms. It is now often true that even if you know the complete title of a document, the search engines - especially Google - will refuse to produce it. This is so true that Google (particularly) no longer functions as a useful search engine; it is instead a "gate-keeper" with two main functions. One is to feed you information it wants you to have (or things it wants you to think), and the second is to ensure you never find information it doesn't want you to have (or things it doesn't want you to think).

This is a very serious matter. There exists today literally an army of people scouring the Internet for historical and political content that is criminally incriminating, and making strenuous efforts to have all that content deleted. And, from my experience, I would say they are achieving considerable success. These efforts can apply to a wide range of historical and political events and circumstances, but I find the concentration in two main areas, both involving the Jews. One area seems to be a determined effort to erase any identification of individuals as being Jews, especially those involved in serious crimes or atrocities. The evidence of this is everywhere. Consider the recent scandal involving Jeffrey Epstein; of the hundreds of articles in the media about this case, I cannot recall seeing a single one that mentioned Epstein [16] and Ghislaine Maxwell [17] were Jews. That cannot possibly be an accident; the mass media, being almost entirely Jewish-owned or controlled, do not want such associations made in the public mind, and the censorship is severe.

Wikipedia appears to be systematically deleting all references to individuals being Jewish. I have Wiki pages on individuals which I saved some years ago, which specifically identify those individuals as Jewish, in some cases discussing many details of their Jewish background. But those same pages today have had all those references deleted. And not only Wikipedia. But it's even worse than this. In researching lists of names and Jewish identifications for this essay, the search engines - Google and Bing - cut me off entirely. I had been searching for Jewish names in various categories of government, but then my requests were all suddenly blocked. Searching for a list of CIA Directors, I received this result:

There are no results for list of CIA Executive Directors

Check your spelling or try different keywords

Reverting to another browser and search engine, and searching from another country, I received the results without difficulty. The information was still there, but Google and Bing were obviously programmed to refuse to produce certain results, this being consistent for all searching done for US government departments, lists of staff, and anything involving Jews. I was completely blocked in those areas. I was permitted to search for the weather in Southern Italy or the making of a Caesar salad, but all useful research was totally censored. At first, I was confused, but then I realised that the actual pages appeared on my computer screen for a fraction of a second but were then quickly replaced with the "sorry, no information" page. This clearly was deliberate and planned; searching for the identification of Jews is being not only restricted but prohibited - by the Jews.

Mr. Romanoff's writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai's Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney's new anthology 'When China Sneezes'. (Chapt. 2 -- Dealing with Demons).

His full archive can be seen at https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/ https://www.moonofshanghai.com/

He can be contacted at: 2186604556@qq.com


[1] Why Is Jewishness Matrilineal? https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/601092/jewish/Why-Is-Jewishness-Matrilineal.htm

[2] Frank Damrosch Jr. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Damrosch_Jr.

[3] American people of German-Jewish descent https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:American_people_of_German-Jewish_descent

[4] Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_M._Schlesinger_Jr.

[5] American people of German-Jewish descent https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Category:American_people_of_German-Jewish_descent

[6] John Kerry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kerry

[7] Will Jewish astronaut Jessica Meir be NASA's first woman on the moon? https://www.jpost.com/50-most-influential-jews/article-717744

[8] 9 Jewish Astronauts Who Have Boldly Gone to Space https://www.kveller.com/9-jewish-astronauts-who-have-boldly-gone-to-space/

[9] Some claim that Elon Musk is not a Jew. Elon, or Alon is a Hebrew masculine name that would not occur on a list of Gentile names. Musk attended Jewish schools in South Africa. His mother, Maye Haldeman, is Jewish but listed as "Canadian", which is hardly an ethnic group. There are Jewish family and other relations (Elon's brother married Jen Lewin), and more. Musk's connections with Israel and powerful Jews have a long history. Tesla's closet relationship with Israeli tech spans many years and its self-driving technology is 100% Jewish, originating from the Israeli company Mobileye. Musk has close and high-level contacts in Israel, having met with Netanyahu at his private residence on more than one occasion.

[10] The Truth about Khazars (Facts are Facts) Benjamin H. Freedman C 1954 https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/essential-reading-the-truth-about-khazars-facts-are-facts-benjamin-h-freedman-c-1954/

[11] ZIONISM -- THE HIDDEN TYRANNY by Benjamin H. Freedman https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/5853/

[12] Benjamin H. Freedman - 1961 Speech https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Benjamin-H.-Freedman-%E2%80%93-1961-Speech.pdf

[13] ARTHUR KOESTLER THE THIRTEEN TRIBE https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/ARTHUR-KOESTLER-THE-THIRTEEN-TRIBE.pdf

[14] Jewish Assimilation by Kevin Macdonald https://www.unz.com/article/jewish-assimilation/

[15] Researching, Searching, Sources and References https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/10306/

[16] Jeffrey Epstein https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Epstein

[17] Ghlislane's father, Ian Robert Maxwell, (Jan Ludvik Hyman Binyamin Hoch) was a Czechoslovak-born Jew. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Maxwell

This document may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. This content is being made available under the Fair Use doctrine, and is for educational and information purposes only. There is no commercial use of this content.

Copyright Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2023

Keywords: Humboldt California US Ziosphere Jew Jewish Jew-ish Judaism paganism nepotism nepotism nepotism nepotism nepotism

Source: https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/12105/

Comment: We think Larry Romanoff has covered the subject so thoroughly that we almost feel like there is nothing more to be said. Except for the relentless nepotism; he left that out.


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