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Timestamp: 21 September 2023 @ 1030 Pacific

California: More School Boards Rebel,
Vow to Tell Parents If Kids are Trannies

Academy of the Redwoods staff,
Fortuna Union School District
implicated in similar coverup(s);
County resists investigations

September 20, 2023

Snake Baker

So, in California it's the law that if a teacher manipulates a student into being a tranny, another teacher is not allowed to tell the parents about it.

Just so we're clear here: that's the law in California now.

Some people are saying they're not going to follow it, and that's cool.

But let's be real: in a few years, this is going to be federal law, and teachers who disobey it are at least going to be fired, and might be criminally prosecuted.

The American school system is a tranny assembly line. The goal is to turn all kids into trannies.

Insofar as there is any goal here beyond "kiking the goyim," there are a lot of people who believe that sterilizing children will change the weather. That's how this is being justified behind the scenes.

Daily Caller:

Multiple school boards in California are openly defying the attorney general's gender ideology guidance and passing parental notification policies, which require notification if a child believes they are a different sex than the one they were born as, according to news reports.

Chino Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) passed a policy in July to notify parents when their child believes they are a sex different than their sex at birth, and Democratic California Attorney General Rob Bonta sued to block the policy in August, which a judge did on Sept. 6 as the lawsuit makes its way through the courts. Since then, at least three more school districts have openly defied Bonta's admonishments and instituted similar parental notification policies.

"People are telling Bonta, basically, screw you. We're not afraid of you," Erin Friday, lawyer, mother and parental rights activist, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Dry Creek Joint Elementary School District (DCJESD), Rocklin Unified School District (RUSD) and Orange Unified School District (OUSD) all passed similar parental gender notification policies after the lawsuit against CVUSD and the blocking of its policy.

"We're going to protect parents' rights and children," Friday continued.

Bonta has criticized these parental notification policies and called them "forced outing" in a press release. He said these policies might violate California's constitution and subject students to "discriminatory harassment."

"Attorney General Bonta urges school districts in California to take note and prioritize the well-being of transgender and gender-nonconforming students that they are charged to protect as he continues monitoring school districts considering similar policies statewide," a spokesperson for Bonta told the DCNF.

Friday said school districts are being more thoughtful about how they craft their policies now but that they're still pushing ahead. She said she tells them either way, their policies are going to ruffle some feathers.

"They're worried, but what I tell them is the parents are going to sue you, or the teachers are going to sue you," Friday said.

RUSD implemented its parental notification on Sept. 7, one day after CVUSD's policy was blocked by the courts. Following RUSD implementing its gender notification policy, Bonta put out a press release saying that Rocklin's policy of telling parents if their child believes they are a different sex than the one they were born as may "endanger" children's "civil rights."

"I have said it before, and I will say it again: We will not tolerate any policy that perpetuates discrimination, harassment, or exclusion within our educational institutions," Bonta said in the press release.

Another school district, OUSD, implemented its policy on Sep. 7 as well. The school board passed the policy in a 4-1 vote after hours of comments from the public.

"Rocklin Unified stood up for students, parents, and families in passing a parental notification policy that is not only well supported in the Rocklin community but across California," Jonathan Zachreson, a parental rights activist who spoke in favor of the policy at the meeting, told the DCNF.

DCJESD passed a parental notification policy on Sep. 14 unanimously, according to KCRA 3 News.

DCJESD Board President Scott Otsuka is aware of the CVUSD lawsuit and is confident his policy best serves parents and is in line with the letter of the law, he told the DCNF.

"We will always place a high priority on coming along side our families to support our students, this policy simply codifies that. We are aware of the CA Attorney General's lawsuit and will closely monitor as it makes its way through the system. Developed with legal counsel, our recent policy update complies with both federal law and those of the State of California," Otsuka told the DCNF.

"Dry Creek Joint Elementary School District's decision to adopt a forced outing policy poses a serious threat to the emotional, psychological, and physical safety and privacy of transgender and gender-nonconforming students," Bonta said in a press release.

It is what it is, you know?

You're not going to change this.

These parents who go out there and say "I don't hate trannies! I love trannies! I just want parental rights!" are never going to be effective at anything.

Cowards don't ever win. That's a fact.

You need to leave America. That's the only thing that makes any sense. You have to get on a plane and leave the country.

This is not going to get any easier.

Keywords: Fortuna Humboldt California US MGTOW Ziosphere child kidnapping misfeasance malfeasance corruption criminality child abuse molestation

Source: https://dailystormer.in/california-more-school-boards-rebel-vow-to-tell-parents-if-kids-are-trannies/

Also: https://dailycaller.com/2023/09/18/school-boards-rebel-california-rob-bonta-gender-ideology-guidance/

Comment: Based on information and belief, the County of Humboldt has been doing this since 2015 - see www.ca-jv160250.org for a review of the local case of Humboldt County Child Welfare Services driving a child into gender disphoria and then blaming the parents and then using the medical state of affairs that they created to kidnap a sixteen-year-old child ... who never returned.

The conduct that we personally witnessed on the part of Humboldt County Superior Court Judge Wilson was so vicious and grotesquely incompetent that we are perfectly comfortable saying that, in our sincere opinion, Judge Christopher Wilson is in need of a good horse-whipping; but we digress.

We quote Andrew Anglin because we find that he has an unerring eye for disease and his predictions are often frighteningly accurate; he is our Cassandra and we would do well to listen to him.

Wikipedia describes Mr Anglin as a "neo-Nazi", but Andrew, like ourselves, just wants to know where all the lampshades made out of human skin and all the bars of soap made out of human fat and all the bones from those six million dead Jews are. He smells a rat. We all do. We were, and are, being lied to. This has serious implications.

We remain confused as to how someone could be incapable of defining the word 'Semite' and yet be willing to label others as "anti-Semites" - and, even worse, willing to kidnap their opponents' children, under false color of authority, and turn them against their own parents - all based on a word that they cannot define.

We think such people are morons and probably shouldn't be trusted with public education or information technology management or human resources, either.

Those of you who lost your children for growing marijuana already know what I am referring to.

Wake up, my dear potheads, and smell the coffee. You're next.


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