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Timestamp: 17 September 2023 @ 1500 Pacific

Spain's language authority still uses an antisemitic definition of 'Jew.'
These (((groups))) want it deleted.

Jews want to control our language
If we can't describe the problem,
We can't solve the problem

Juan Melamed

(JTA) -- Over 20 Jewish groups from the United States and Spanish-speaking countries are calling on Spain's linguistic authority to drop two antisemitic definitions from its official dictionary.

The 300-year-old Madrid-based Academy, or RAE, oversees the evolution of Spanish through its Dictionary of the Spanish Language. In the entry for the word "Jew," the fifth definition listed translates to a "greedy or usurious" person.

The entry for the word "judiada" -- which notes that the term "originated with antisemitic intent" -- has two definitions: first, "a dirty trick or an action that is detrimental to someone," and second, "a crowd or group of Jews."

"The definitions of the word judo and judiada in no way reflect the true meaning of these terms," reads a letter sent to the RAE this week that is signed by groups ranging from Spain's Federation of Jewish Communities to the Anti-Defamation League and the Simon Wiesenthal Center. "These descriptions are the product of a medieval and renaissance terminology of rejection, envy and hatred directed at the Jews who, because of their work, had the highest incomes - which was one of the factors that led to their expulsion from Spain by the Catholic monarchs."

Spanish lawyer Borja Lujan Lago is leading the groups' request. He was contacted by the Jewish community of Panama after he successfully asked the RAE in February to modify the entry of the word "lawyer," which included the definitions "talkative" and "chatty."

The RAE confirmed to the Spanish news agency EFE that the claim was received and that "it will be processed following the usual channels."

"We can presume that those terms as crystallized in the Dictionary are a sign of an antisemitic prejudice still prior to the Edict of Expulsion of 1492 that has been maintained throughout the centuries," Ariel Gelblung, the Wiesenthal Center's director for Latin America, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. He was referring to the Inquisition, which expelled all Jews from Spain or forced those who remained to convert to Catholicism.

The RAE's dictionary modifies definitions each year. In 2017, it added the words "kosher" and "hummus."

In 2019, the RAE helped open an academy in Israel dedicated to the study and preservation of Ladino, or Judeo-Spanish -- a language that developed and morphed as Jews left Spain for other nearby countries following the Inquisition.

Keywords: California US International Ziosphere tribal politics

Source: https://www.jta.org/2023/09/08/global/spains-language-authority-still-uses-an-antisemitic-definition-of-jew-these-groups-want-it-deleted

Comment: Words come into being to describe phenomena that everyone agrees exists. Populations converge upon a common referent with which to describe that particular aspect of reality that they wish to identify.

For instance, it is said that the Inuit people of far northern Canada have at least a dozen different root words for describing snow. Would anyone deny that each of those words does not identify some aspect of Inuit reality that was not so important to their survival that the tribes developed a specific sequence of sounds with which to call one another's attention to this?

Instead of trying to conceal this truth - that some people who called themselves "Jews" behaved in such a consistently vile fashion as to become an identifiable threat to the Spanish-speaking communities; requiring new words in order to describe the problem; an organized, community-wide response to resolve the problem; and, leading people to question these self-proclaimed "jews" claim to be better than everyone else and, in fact, to be Chosen By God, Himself, to command and to lead the world - we think the Ashkenazis who claim they are Semites would do well to accept the status quo, and to work to better themselves.

If "Jews" are so smart ... why can't they make an economy that works to everyone's benefit, without requiring deceit, as a fundamental ingredient?

If "Jews" are so smart ... why can't they control inflation?

Why do deceit and inflation follow these self-proclaimed "Jews", wherever they go?

We think Spanish linguists would do well to leave that referent exactly where it is, doing exactly what it is doing - warning Spanish speakers that people who call themselves "Jews", aren't what they claim to be.

We approve of additions to the language, though! For instance, RAE should add, to the definition of "lawyer", the following: "See, also, judiada".

We think it would be useful if we could agree on what the words 'Jew', 'Jewish', 'Jew-ish', and 'Semite' mean, so that we could then agree on what an 'anti-Semite' is, and maybe come up with a better slur for people who don't grovel at the feet of Organized Zionism.

Our analysis is that "Jewish" is a brand which Ashkenazi-descended groups use to try to browbeat and hypnotize their competitors into submission and non-aggression. It has nothing to do with God or worship. Those whom worship God are better referred to as 'Torahs'. Those worshipping money, or themselves, are best described as 'Talmuds'; not 'Jews'.

Only God knows who is devout. No referents are required in order to worship.

All else is vanity - including your tefillin, bro.


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