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Timestamp: 15 September 2023 @ 2130 Pacific

Democrats' Child Trannie Bill Threatens Parents With State-Sanctioned Kidnapping

Money-hungry lawyers pander to state's
monied, sterile, childless, homosexuals;
Daddy-haters achieving critical mass;
what comes next?

California's Pro-Trans Child Custody Bill Is Pure Emotional Blackmail

September 15, 2023

Rabid ideologues who want to remake America and its children in their own image aren't afraid to use the most vulnerable as pawns.

Kylee Griswold

There's a bill sitting on Gavin Newsom's desk right now that would not only render the First Amendment null and void but also strip parents of their most fundamental rights and responsibilities toward their children. It's not a matter of if the far-left California governor will sign it, but when.

The bill, the Transgender, Gender-Diverse, and Intersex Youth Empowerment Act (AB 957) -- which last week passed the Senate and then, on a party-line vote, the Assembly -- dictates that courts must consider "gender affirmation" in child custody battles. The soon-to-be-law states that in seeking to determine the "health, safety, and welfare of the child," courts must consider "a parent's affirmation of the child's gender identity or gender expression."

While some Democrat apologists in the media pretend it's absurd to think this means conservative parents would ever lose custody of their children by nature of holding conservative values -- It doesn't say judges *have* to side with the loving, accepting parents, you hateful rubes! -- we know how this will go. It's California, for crying out loud.

But we don't have to extrapolate much. Other media have dropped the facade and told us exactly where this bill will lead. Here's CNBC:

Under the proposed law, parents, who fail to acknowledge and support their child's gender transition, could face potential consequences, including the loss of custody rights to another parent or even the state itself. The bill's supporters argue that it is in the best interest of children, aiming to create a more inclusive and affirming environment for gender-diverse youth.

There's the quiet part out loud: A mom or dad who opts not to indulge their child in mental illness, who uses the child's given name, prohibits the use of puberty blockers, or discourages sterilizing hormones or surgery could lose the child not only to the other parent, which is egregious enough -- but to the state.

As Sarah Parshall Perry, senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation, has pointed out, this law would stomp on the Constitution's guarantee to free speech and the free exercise of religion. It would "muzzle" parents and prevent them from rearing their children in accordance with their deeply held beliefs -- beliefs, by the way, that have been regarded by both Christians and non-Christians as basic laws of nature and fundamentals of civil society until about five minutes ago.

This is more than a legal dilemma for Constitutional scholars and gender-studies midwits to bat around in mahogany rooms and shoddy amici, however. If it feels more nefarious and personal -- that's because it is. We've seen it before.

It's classic Democrat emotional blackmail. It's the left waging psychological warfare on its ideological opponents with barely veiled threats. Oh, you want to see your own child? Well, that's interesting because xir needs some hormones xe says you won't provide. You don't seem too concerned with xir's health and safety.

This brand of emotional blackmail has already been tested and perfected with the suicide card. That is, the aforementioned gender-studies "experts," medical professionals, journalists, and other Very Smart People(TM) have decided, based on little to no evidence, that transgender medical interventions are the only acceptable course of action for confused kids. In fact, anything short of full "affirmation" is deadly, they say.

With this conclusion in mind -- and at the expense of mounting evidence showing pro-trans policies cause the most harm -- they've devised "research" that Democrats then present as unassailable. The methodology of these biased studies is wildly problematic. Pro-trans ideologues habitually equate correlation with causation, fail to treat gender dysphoria as a mental illness and ignore underlying mental health issues such as depression, discount the potential role of wrong-sex hormones in unhealthy ideations, ignore hard facts about the ways puberty eventually resolves almost all dysphoria in minors, discounts rampant social factors, and turns a blind eye to the growing chorus of detransitioners who fell for leftist lies and are now filled with despair.

But never let bad science get in the way of an agenda. Would you rather have a live son or a dead daughter?, they manipulate. A lack of acceptance has driven trans suicide rates and self-harm through the roof.

A law this unconstitutional is bound to wind up in the courts. And I suppose we should be thankful there's one remaining recourse. But if all conservatives have on their side is a waiting game until the courts eventually slap California lawmakers on the wrist, they have nothing. In fact, getting GOP-opposed laws tied up in the slow gears of the court system is exactly what Democrats are expecting. They're counting on it. The more they can keep conservatives and jurists busy, the more radical laws and policies they can keep shoving out the door. We can't stop them all. How many poor parents and children will be casualties in the meantime?

But don't lose the human element in the legislative games. Rabid ideologues and iconoclasts who want to remake America and its children in their own image aren't afraid to use the most vulnerable among us as pawns. Self-censorship will only be the start. It's emotional blackmail, plain and simple. Do what we say, or else.

Kylee Griswold is the editorial director of The Federalist. She previously worked as the copy editor for the Washington Examiner magazine and as an editor and producer at National Geographic. She holds a B.S. in Communication Arts/Speech and an A.S. in Criminal Justice and writes on topics including feminism and gender issues, religion, and the media. Follow her on Twitter @kyleezempel.

Keywords: Fortuna Humboldt California US MGTOW Ziosphere child kidnapping lawyer criminality license forfeiture legislative rebellion civil war

Source: https://thefederalist.com/2023/09/15/californias-pro-trans-child-custody-bill-is-pure-emotional-blackmail/

Comment: Based on information and belief, the State of California has been doing this since 2015 - see www.ca-jv160250.org for a local example of Humboldt County Child Welfare Services driving a child into gender disphoria and then blaming the parents and then using the medical state of affairs that they created to kidnap a sixteen-year-old child ... who never returned.

Based on information and belief, Humboldt County Superior Court Judge Wilson is in need of a good horse-whipping; and we are not the only ones who hold this opinion.

We do not think this will stop until citizens start confiscating something of equal or greater value from the participants. We could start with professional licenses for judges, lawyers and social workers complicit in this, seeing as most of the people doing this do not themselves have children.


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